Come on and Zoom, Zoom, zooma-Zoom

If you were a kid in the 70s, or even the late 90s and early 2000s, you may remember ZOOM, a show on PBS that encouraged kids and other viewers to just “turn off the TV and do it!” That advice still holds up, particularly as many of us continue to work and go to school from home due to COVID-19 containment efforts. I was thinking about that advice during a recent virtual meeting on a different kind of Zoom.…

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When it comes to running effective board meetings, does something smell fishy around here?

You know the drill: the agenda was distributed late (if at all). The action items are vague, and many of them aren’t even action items (more on that later). Expectations haven’t been set in order to hold everyone accountable. Yep, you’re about to head into another board meeting that could have been a board phone call or an email. What’s worse, you don’t even know what time the meeting will end (will you be late to pick up your 7-year-old…

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